Each project is unique, it carries its own charge and its own vision.
Every color, every element and text conveys its message.
We help you choose your palette, appropriate font, layout.
Web design
If you also want a beautiful design of your page or site, which will be harmonious in color and arranged correctly in composition, we can help you in this endeavor. We offer consultation and design of web pages in the WIX platform. Together we will choose the right color palette, redesign an existing solution or invest our energy in a whole new look. We also offer screening - a tool that, through in-depth data analysis, gives a more accurate picture of your competitive advantages, risks and pressures in the field of your digital presence. This service identifies your main competitors and compares your performance against key technical parameters. As a result, it provides you with a detailed list of specific actions you can take to position your website well in Google. At the heart of the tool is the SEO content audit, which identifies the main dimensions of search and determines your effectiveness in relation to each of them - what people are looking for and how well you provide it to them. Based on this analysis, you receive clear strategic and tactical guidelines for optimizing the content of your website, as well as for your advertising and communication in the media.


Интерактивна карта на любими места за любителски риболов. Достъпна на три езика - български, английски и румънски. https://www.fishmaponline.com/

Пътеводител за достъпа на безработни жени до пазара на труда чрез подобряване на техните умения и знания за намиране на работа. Платформата допринася за по-доброто съответствие между предлагането и търсенето на работа чрез предоставяне на съответна информация за пазара на труда, услугите за кариерно консултиране и заетост. https://www.jobease.eu/

Сайт на тема "Стил на живот" в три основни модула. https://ideinltd.wixsite.com/lifestyle

Интерактивна карта на любими места за любителски риболов. Достъпна на три езика - български, английски и румънски. https://www.fishmaponline.com/

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