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Green Skills Survey: Key Findings and Recommendations

The Green Skills Survey aimed to gather insights on the green skills, sustainability practices, and learning preferences of individuals working in the creative industry in Bulgaria. The survey was completed by 36 respondents. The survey was conducted as part of the Erasmus+-funded project "DESIGN: Building Skills for Going Green in Creative Industries."

Key Findings:
  • Gender: 64.29% of respondents identified as female, while 32.14% identified as male.

  • Location: 82.14% of respondents lived in the Capital, while 14.29% lived in a Large City, and 3.57% lived in a Small town or Village.

  • Education: 53.57% of respondents had a University degree, while 28.57% had a Higher degree (bachelor).

  • Green Skills: 40% of respondents expressed interest in learning more about green skills, while 20% of respondents stated that they regularly use green skills in their work, and 12% do not use them at all.

  • Sustainability Practices: 32% of respondents reported that they sometimes incorporate sustainability practices into their business operations, while 24% reported doing so half of the time and 32% reported doing so most of the time.

  • Environmental Policy and Strategy: 50% of respondents reported that their company does not have any environmental policy or sustainability strategy in place, while 25% reported that their company does not have a clear policy or strategy.

  • Tracking Environmental Performance: 63% of respondents reported that they do not track or report on their environmental performance.

  • Employee Skills: 30.43% of respondents somewhat disagreed that their employees have the skills to foster/facilitate green practices, while 30.43% somewhat agreed.

  • Develop comprehensive training programs in sustainability and green practices to equip employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to adopt sustainable practices.

  • Focus on training programs in energy efficiency and conservation, sustainable waste management practices, and sustainable design and innovation.

  • Adopt a blended learning approach that incorporates a mix of online courses, workshops, and on-the-job training with mentors and supervisors to cater to different learning preferences.

  • Prioritize the development of soft green skills such as developing innovative and sustainable solutions, influencing others to adopt sustainable practices, taking responsibility for environmental impact, and evaluating environmental impact of products/services.

  • Develop and implement environmental policy and sustainability strategy to align business practices with environmental regulations and ethical standards.

  • Track and report on environmental performance to identify areas for improvement and demonstrate commitment to sustainability.

  • Increase efforts to adopt sustainable practices throughout the supply chain.

  • Promote engagement with the local community and environmental organizations to promote environmental awareness and sustainability.

  • Provide leadership in promoting sustainable practices and inspiring others to take action on environmental sustainability.


The survey provides valuable insights into the current state of green practices, sustainability, and green skills in the creative industry. Respondents expressed a willingness to change and adjust to new sustainability practices or regulations and to collaborate with stakeholders on developing sustainable solutions. However, there is a need for increased training and awareness to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to environmental challenges. Companies should prioritize incorporating sustainable practices into their business operations and developing an environmental policy and sustainability strategy. A comprehensive training program focused on energy efficiency and conservation, sustainable waste management practices, and sustainable design and innovation should be implemented, utilizing a blended learning approach that incorporates online courses, workshops, and on-the-job training with mentors and supervisors.

Find the full text of the report

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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